Riding On Report Summer 2021
“Rheumatoid Arthritis” and Stephen Dearnley? What’s the connection? They were introduced when his dear wife, Jo, was diagnosed with the disease and sadly died from it. That began his mission to try and eradicate this insidious disease and his quest began by forming UCARF. Now this venture he knew wouldn’t be a quick one, but it had started, and inroads have been achieved since which is a major positive and proves again that one man’s vision can make a difference. A bit like our Ulysses Club I suppose!
The fund itself is doing pretty good thanks to good management by Kim Kennerson and his ability to liaise between the researchers and the Club to achieve targeted efficient research into rheumatoid arthritis specifically. We’re sitting with just under $90k in the bank all thanks to YOU. The fund exists entirely on donations from you, the members, and your generosity is at times a little overwhelming. I get to see many small donations (<$1000) coming through the bank account which is the majority. THEN we get donations from individuals that for their own personal reasons just plonk a few THOUSAND into the bank! These are the amazing people who enable researchers to keep on going. We then receive bequeaths of “Ridden On” members who have remembered UCARF in their wills. Even in death these people still make an impact on the living and leave a legacy for future generations.
Donations totalling over $4,000 received since the last report and in no order whatsoever:
There was a $2,000 donation that has flown under the RADAR since MARCH 21! A MASSIVE Thank You must go to the wonderful members of the Canberra Branch for their ongoing support. This Branch is a regular donor to UCARF and apologies for omitting them for the past few reports. Other donations are $315 Kevin & Jacqueline O’Donoghue, $20 Tim Hobson, $20 Max Hubbard, $200 Macedon Ranges Branch, $1000 Tamar Tourers Branch, $81 Mike Abberfield, $1000 G. Martin of Orange Branch & $200 Perth Branch.
There was a $3,000 deposit on the 10thof Sept but I’m still waiting on details of who this was from! PLEASE identify in the notes of the deposit who or where it is coming from! Don’t worry as we will spend it, but we do like to acknowledge and thank you for it. Or send a brief email to me or the National Office letting us know about it.
On a sad but grateful note, and we’re waiting on the final settlement of the will, we’ve been bequeathed an amount of $10,000 from a member of the Armadale Heritage Branch. This generous gentleman is Trevor Woodhead. I don’t know anything personally about Trevor, but I can tell you that he was a member who respected the Club immensely and all we stand for. And he was a man who liked to do things for others as donating to anything is a selfless act. Thankyou, Trevor, for your kind act and may you ride with your mates forever more. RIP Trevor.
This also would have been the year of the UCARF Raffle. You remember it, don’t you? Where we get a bike and/or gear from a supplier (hopefully for FREE) and get you to sell as many tickets as possible with a chance of winning yourself. Well, with the times we are living in, I got cold feet trying to organise it for this year with lockdowns etc. happening on and off, and, even the likelihood of the 2022 Warwick Rally/AGM being able to go ahead. Also, would members from other states be allowed to cross the borders. So, with that playing on my mind, I will be organising one for the Lismore Rally (Round 2) in 2023 and will be a showcase for the UCARF Raffle. I hope you appreciate that the last thing I was prepared to do was to expose the fund or club to a financial loss.
Stay safe over the Festive Season and enjoy each other’s company and your family.
Ian ‘Foggy” Winter
UCARF Coordinator,
#53025 TM #59