Riding On Report Summer 2019
These following donations from Ulysses Club branches and an RV Group have been gratefully received since the last recognition in the spring edition of Riding On. Thank you for your support, in no particular order these generous contributions are as follows – Shipwreck Coast Branch $153.38, SE Queensland Branches (Cartwheel Ride) $1,000.00, Judith Crosswell (Ulysses RV Queensland) $200.00, Redcliffe Branch $500.00, Warnbro Sound Wanderers Branch $388.00, Mandurah-Murray Branch $1,000.00, Gloucester Branch $200.00, Sydney Branch $2,000.00.
The Sydney Branch annual odyssey for this year took place on the October Long Weekend in Tumut NSW. Much to my surprise and delight, as the UCARF Coordinator, was called up during the Saturday evening proceedings to be presented with a very handsome $2,000.00 cheque for our club cause of rheumatoid arthritis research. National President Jen Woods and National Treasurer John Osborne were in attendance to witness the generous donation. Thank you, Sydney branch president John Robertson, for the surprise presentation and thank you to the branch committee and members for continuing to be a great supporter of our very worthy cause.
Sunday 20th October was the annual Two Wheels to Wellington event. This event has been conducted over a number of years and is promoted under the Motorcycle Awareness Month. I normally attend in support; however, I had earlier committed to the Melbourne Branch Odyssey on the same weekend without realising the clash I have been involved with promotions and communications for the event and I wish to thank president Jen Woods and the Riding On editor Vicki Lanagan for promotional support. I have great admiration of the three Wellington members Peter Ogden, Phil Melhuish and John Jannus who put in such strong support and hard work each year. There was a bike display, bike show and shine, BBQ and raffles and more. All proceeds are donated to UCARF. I have it on good word that the event went very well and was a big success.
I have been communicating with national treasurer John Osborne regarding our financial support commitments with Monash University. We have an outstanding $35,000.00 payment for 2019 and the same monetary commitment for 2020. At the time of writing I am seeking donation documentation as a basis for payment from the university and we may fulfil our 2020 commitment at the same time. There are no outstanding research support commitments with the Sutton Laboratories at this time.
Forgive me for diverting but I feel a strong need to mention the recent passing of member Rick Bedford. I had the pleasure of serving under President Rick as secretary on the national committee. Rick was a very committed leader with a passion for the club. Over time Rick became a cherished personal friend and I also considered him to be one of my mentors and confidants for my heavy involvement in the club. If Rick had a swan song whilst serving the club as national president, it was during the AGM in Canberra in 2005. The Ulysses Club was confronted by an enraged local Rebel MC Chapter over a few issues including some of our members wearing rockers. Rick was able to diffuse a potentially serious situation, no doubt aided by his extensive police background Rick was the right man for the right time. RIP Rick Bedford.
Kim Kennerson
UCARF Coordinator,
#6929 L.M. 14.